Bolivar Sportsman's Club
11287 Strasburg-Bolivar Road NW - P.O. Box 44 - Bolivar, Ohio 44612
Bolivar Sportsman’s Club
11286 Strasburg-Bolivar Road
PO box 44
Bolivar, OH 44612
Regular Meetings
All year: Second Friday
of the Month, 7:00 p.m.
Lucky X Shoot
January-April & September-November, second Sunday of the month @ 8:00 AM
Trap Shoot (open to public)
Every Friday, 6:30 p.m.
Rules and Regulations
1. Hunting and fishing on farm, and all leased lands, shall be held to members and members' immediate family (spouse and children under the age of 19, also grandchildren of a member). (See Waiver)
2. You must wear your club badge while hunting or fishing on club land. At all times on club property, you must be able to show proof of membership to any member on request.
3. All persons (members, members' family) are responsible for returning club house to original conditions of cleanliness.
4. Any member or member's family, shall not hold the club responsible or liable for any accident, injury, or damages. (See Waiver)
5. Clubhouse and/or property can be rented by member's only under the discretion of the trustees.
6. All hunters shall acquaint themselves with farm and leased land boundaries.
7. Trap shoots can be held for members only with proper committees appointed.
8. Any member suspected of damaging club property, or stealing same, is automatically suspended, subject to a hearing (if so desired) before officers and trustees.
9. No club property shall be loaned out without permission of officers.
10. Members shall be permitted to have a guest for club breakfast three times a year, but not to use any of club facilities, such as shooting range, etc.
11. Shooting / Target range closed when trap range is in use.
12. Any member found guilty of disregarding any rules or regulations can be suspended from membership following a meeting of trustees, president, and recording secretary.
13. No dumping of any refuse, leaves and brush without permission of trustees in designated areas.
14. Vehicles on designated roadways only.